Nevada’s Place In The New Hemp and CBD Industry

Nevada's Place In The New Hemp and CBD Industry

Nevada made marijuana legal back in 2008 after the Chapter 453A Bill was passed. Then came along the Agricultural Farm Act of 2014 that was signed by Governor Sandoval, which granted the growing and cultivation of hemp. In short, it can certainly be stated that the state of Nevada has been a great supporter of hemp and marijuana-based products. So, Nevada residents have access to all forms of the hemp and cannabis plant. That being said, it should be highly noted that the two plants and their products are completely different.

First Hemp Oil Retail Chain

What if you could reap all the benefits that marijuana has to offer without experiencing the high? Well, if you live in the state of Nevada you can. In fact, ever since January 29, 2018, the great residents of the area have been enjoying the right to partake in CBD and hemp-based products. This is the date when the first hemp oil retail chained opened in Las Vegas. The stored was called “Buy Legal Meds.” Joe Vargas is the man behind the store and he understands all the benefits. He also knows how completely different the two substances are. Joe Vargas is passionate about CBD and hemp-based products because the substances provided him with benefits in his personal life that he just couldn’t attain elsewhere.

From tongue drops to edibles, from lotions and even pet drops the residents of Nevada can get their fill at this newly opened store. However, ever since hemp was made legal in the state this wasn’t the only store to follow suit. Many more have put down roots in the area and it looks like even more will take advantage of everything the lucrative market has to offer.

Farmers Are Seeing A High Demand

Farmers in the Nevada area are seeing a huge demand for hemp in the area. Even so much so that Jim McCoy posted a “help wanted: looking for hemp growers!” sign in the town of Goldfield, Nevada. The town might only have a population of 286 residents, but it straddles the US-95 that connects Las Vegas to Reno. This is just one of the few stops on the 400-mile stretch, but this is a highly traveled highway. Just last year in Nevada more than twenty growers planted a total of 429 acres of hemp throughout the state of Nevada. The demand is only expected to continue and this is rightly claimed.

Another reason that the demand for hemp is so high is that the plant is being used for other purposes as well. The growers and manufacturers of hemp in Nevada are not just limiting the plant to CBD. They are using hemp to create a wide range of products like textiles, paper, and even concrete. There are even some speculations that certain varietals could be turned into fibers, which could then later be used in animal feed.

Quality Makes Nevada Hemp A Must Have

In order for a CBD product to yield an overall end high potency it must come from a quality grown hemp plant. If the hemp plants aren’t grown in nutritious environments and cared for in a certain manner they aren’t going to yield a good potency. The extraction method can also play a major role when it comes to the overall quality of the CBD. That being said, this is one of the things that makes Nevada hemp so popular and in demand. The dry climate not only enables the growth of higher quality hemp plants, but it reduces the risks of fewer mold problems. And, this is not to even mention the fact that farmers can grow all year around.

There Is Always An Uncertainty For Hemp Growers

At the end of the day, there is always an unknown form of uncertainty for all hemp growers. This is even true in states where the growth and cultivation are now legal. The reason for this is because the Department of Justice still looks down on the growth of hemp. Just recently Republican Senate Majority Lead Mitch McConnell announced his plans to introduce a bill that would de-classify hemp as a controlled substance. And, he wants to do this on a federal level. If this happens it could diminish Nevada’s market share. That being said, many growers in the area skeptical of this bill actually passing.

In addition to this, McConnell is up for re-election in 2020 so it might not be wise for the Republican Leader to approach such a highly debated topic that is gaining more and more positive traction.

Research Approval

Senate Bills 305 and 396 gave the Nevada Department of Agriculture the legal right to engage in hemp research. The agency can now research the production of hemp. This research will include everything from economic impact, genetics, fertilizer regiments to pest management. Industrial hemp has the potential to bring millions of dollars into the Nevada economy, but without research, this may not be possible. The NDA’s goal is to find ways to grow and cultivate hemp to achieve the most viable crop possible.

Recreational Purposes

Since 2017, Nevada residents can legally purchase and utilize cannabis. To back up this claim, hemp-based products are available in many convenient, grocery and retail stores. Locals can purchase these items without a prescription or recommendation from a medical professional or herbalist. However, these products must derive from industrial hemp and contain little to no THC, the psychoactive compound found in the Cannabis
sativa plant. What this basically means is that the industrial hemp-based products will not cause a “high” or euphoria.

Third-Party Testing

In order for hemp-based CBD oils and edibles to be deemed legal in Nevada, they must contain 0.3 percent or less of THC. How does the government regulate these products? CBD products are regulated through third-party testing, which must be conducted by an independent firm. While manufacturers are not required to include the results of their third-party testing on the back of the label of their products, some will display this information on their website. Third-party testing detects purity and THC levels, as well as quality.

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